This year on Saturday June 15th at Shanghai American School and with the theme of' Bridging Cultures” the 3nd annual Juneteenth Day in Shanghai Celebration event will bring together both local and international artists, musicians, dancers, poets, storytellers and speakers to celebrate and share the colorful history of the newest US Federal holiday.
This event will expose the Shanghai community to several cultural practices, arts music cuisine, and more-all to en-richen the communities understanding of the Juneteenth holiday. This celebration will be another example of Shanghai's reputation as a culturally diverse and inclusive destination where the local community can develop partnerships,friendships and business connections that bridge cultural boundaries and foster mutual understanding.
About this event活动介绍:
What is Juneteenth? 什么是六月节?
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, andEmancipation Day, is an annual holiday celebrated on June l9th in theUnited States.
六月节,也称为自由日、禧年日和解放日,是美国每年6月19 日庆祝的节日。
It commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States.Specifically,Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 when Union ArmyGeneral Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and informedenslaved Black Americans of their emancipation - more than twoyears after President Abraham Lincoln issued the EmancipationProclamation.
它纪念美国奴隶制的结束。具体来说,六月节是纪念1865年6月19日,--在亚拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)总统发布解放宣言两年多后,联邦陆军将军戈登格兰杰(Gordon Granger)在德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿宣布被奴役的美国黑人获得解放。
Today,Juneteenth is recognized as a national holiday in the UnitedStates.
How is Juneteenth Celebrated? 六月节是如何庆祝的?
uneteenth is celebrated with various activities, including parades,picnics, historical reenactments, music, and culturalperformances. It is a day for reflection, education, and thecelebration of African American history and achievements
Juneteenth is often celebrated as a family-oriented holiday withactivities to encourage community unity and togetherness. Thesecan include opportunities for children to participate incommunity parades, talent shows, arts and crafts, andperformances that promote a sense of belonging, pride, andcultural identity
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